Can You Make Wheatgrass Juice in a Vitamix Blender?

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Wheatgrass is one of the known superfoods that can be extremely useful to your health. But is it safe to eat the sprouts directly while raw? And if not, can you make wheatgrass juice in a Vitamix and it still comes out perfect?

Well, where should I begin? Wheatgrass is in the class of edible sprouts, same as broccoli and alfalfa. It’s safe to eat fresh sprouts while still raw if you won’t mind the weird green flavor. But the leaves are very fibrous, which can be hard to ingest and digest.

So, the easiest way to get the various vitamins and nutrients from a bunch of wheatgrasses would be as a drink. And in this DIY guide, I’ll be showing you how to make wheatgrass juice in Vitamix in less than ten minutes.

Is Wheatgrass Juice as Nutritious as Eating the Sprouts?

First, many edible leafy greens (including sprouts) can be eaten raw directly, when blended as a smoothie, or juiced. And in either, your body will get far more nutrients than when cooked: heating tends to kill some of the useful natural enzymes.

But like when you make celery juice, juicing wheatgrass requires straining out the pulp (insoluble fiber). Thus, the final drink you gulp down will be relatively low on fiber that the body could still use for gut health.

Other than (insoluble) fiber, though, your wheatgrass juice will have minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients listed below.

NutrientsNutritional Value/ 3-Ounce serving
EnergyAbout 21 Calories
Carbs2 Grams
Sugar2 Grams
Protein1.95 Grams
Choline 92.4mg
Vitamin K80mg
Vitamin B5 6mg
Vitamin C3.65mg
Other Nutrients AvailableAntioxidants, fiber, zinc, iron, Amino acids, folate, Biotin, vitamin A, B vitamins, et cetera

Naturally, various food nutrients will benefit your body differently. And this would mean a glass of wheatgrass juice will be good for you in so many ways, including:

  • Rejuvenate and refresh your body with healthy carbs, sugars, and the drink itself
  • Get rid of unhealthy impurities and toxins while at the same time boosting liver health using the natural chlorophyll
  • Aid in weight loss from the low calories, improved metabolism, and lack of fat
  • Assist in digestion & boost the intestine health using its high levels of enzymes and soluble fiber. Thus, you’ll experience fewer issues of constipation, bloating, and irritable bowel syndrome
  • Improve blood sugar levels and reduce the risk of diabetes from nutrients like Vitamin K, C, magnesium, and also anti-inflammatory properties. In 2014, a health study also proved wheatgrass has “potent anti-hyperglycaemic” properties: an effect similar to insulin.
  • Support patients with arthritis by easing pain, stiffness, and swelling from the inbound anti-inflammatory properties
  • Boost the overall immune health, which helps protect your body against infections while also enhancing recovery

How to Make Wheatgrass Juice at Home

As you can see from the short list above, there’s every reason to drink wheatgrass juice. But instead of spending ten bucks for a shot on the smoothie bar or food stall, make the drink yourself. It’s so easy- ten minutes tops if you’ve got everything needed on the countertop.

In a dedicated juicer, you’ll actually have your green juice faster. It only requires dropping small bunches of wheatgrass through the chute. Then, your green drink will start dripping almost instantly on the pouring tap.

wheatgrass with blender 1 1

However, a juicer is one of the kitchen appliances so limited in applications. Many people actually show no interest in having one considering you can still make juice with a blender, which has numerous other uses.

In fact, using a Vitamix for juicing your wheatgrass may yield more drink than some of the traditional juicers. Its monstrous power and sharp blades usually break down and pulverize the cell walls of the sprouts into a super-smooth blend. So, the pulp you get after straining will be only a handful and finely refined.

How to Make Wheatgrass juice in a Vitamix

Remember how to make fresh pure fruit/ vegetable juice in a Vitamix? The process is pretty much the same here. Then again, the actual steps to follow will depend on whether you want to make whole food or undiluted green juice.

Part One: How to Make Undiluted Wheatgrass Juice

As the name advertises, undiluted wheatgrass juice is what you prepare without diluting the mixture with any liquids. You prepare it by only blending the green sprouts at the highest speed, just as with a dedicated juicer.

I could say you’ll get to enjoy the true natural concentrate of wheatgrass. But it’s all a strong “green” flavor that not everyone will find so pleasurable. Hence, the reason some people opt to add a bit of coconut water and other fruity combos, as I shall highlight later.

 In any case, to make the undiluted wheatgrass juice in a Vitamix:

You’ll Need:

  • A bunch of fresh wheatgrasses
  • Kitchen sears (or a knife and chopping board)
  • A fine-mesh sieve/ nut milk bag/ cheesecloth
  • A clean beaker or medium bowl
  • Tamper or large spoon (optional)
  • A Vitamix (this recipe’s based on Vitamix 750)

What to Do:

  1. Gather everything you need on the countertop. It makes the process easier and you can save a lot of time without the back-and-forth movements
  2. Wash your wheatgrass in fresh water to remove the surface dirt and bacteria. Make sure you sort out any dried or yellowish leaves
  3. If desired, Chop down your wheatgrass with your kitchen sears or knife and board. But in the case of a Vitamix 750, you can just toss the produce whole into the blender container
  4. After you’ve loaded and secured the pitcher, power on your Vitamix on the low speed “Variable 1”. Then slowly increase to the maximum setting “Variable speed 10”
  5. Blend your mixture for about 45 seconds or until smooth
  6. Pour the blended wheatgrass mixture over a sieve, cheesecloth, or nut milk bag and drain the juice into a clean beaker/ medium bowl
  7. Press the wheatgrass pulp in the strainer device to extract as much juice and nutrients as possible. If using a sieve, you can press the pulp with a spoon or tamper. And for the filtering bag, you can squeeze it while moving the pulp around
  8. Finally, pour your homemade wheatgrass into the drinking glass/ glasses and serve while still fresh

Newbie Tips:

If it’s your first time having wheatgrass juice, I’d recommend you start with a shot (about 1oz or 30ml). Then increase the amount gradually as your body gets used to it. Why do I say this?

When you start drinking wheatgrass juice, you might experience side effects like nausea, diarrhea, or a slight tummy upset. I’m no health expert but those who are says this is detoxification taking effect on a body not used to it.

Part Two: How to Make Whole-Food Wheatgrass Juice

In a whole-food wheatgrass juice, the trick is to replenish your body with all the contained nutrients, including the insoluble fiber. It doesn’t require filtering the pulp, thereby preparation is pretty faster: 6 minutes maximum.

Can You Make Wheatgrass Juice in a Vitamix Blender?

To do that, you only need to add your clean wheatgrass (chopped or whole) into the Vitamix pitcher. A good amount of water is crucial in this part to achieve the right (light) consistency of juice.

Once you add all the ingredients into the jar, blend on the highest speed until smooth. Then, when all done, pour yourself a shot and enjoy!

Footnote: Make your Wheatgrass Flavorful!

 The great part of DIY recipes is that you’re free to customize them however you like. You can blend your wheatgrass with other fruits to knock out the strong “green” flavor and make a more pleasurable juice.

The sweetness of bananas, blueberries, apples, or oranges is a nice touch on the fruity part. Then, where you were to add water substitute with something like coconut/ almond milk.

Quick Related Questions:

How to make wheatgrass juice in a blender

It’s so easy to make wheatgrass juice in a blender at home or anywhere else. You only need to toss the ingredients into the blending container and blend on the highest speed until smooth. Then, pour the puree over a strainer device and strain out the pulp until you’re left with light green juice in the glass.

Can You Use a Regular Blender to Make Wheatgrass Juice?

Yes, you can use a regular blender like Nutribullet or Ninja to make wheatgrass juice. But unlike Vitamix, you’ll want to chop down the wheatgrass leaves and add sufficient water for it to blend properly.

How does Vitamix foodcycler work?

The Vitamix foodcycler works by breaking down food waste like vegetable cores, fruit peels, and pulp into a smaller volume. It actually refines the scraps into a texture you can efficiently mix with the garden soil to boost the nutrients as fertilizer.

Store & Reuse

As always, drink your wheatgrass juice immediately after blending while it’s still fresh and chilled (if you added a few ice cubes). All the crucial enzymes from the food will also be very active at the time.

But if you’re not able to finish the last drop of the green beverage all at once, refrigerate to avoid it going stale. And to do that, you can either store in a sealed jar or fill them into the ice-cube tray to turn them into cubes.

As for the leftover pulp strained out, you could either toss into the Vitamix foodcycler to turn it into compost for your garden. Or else dry it out and crush into powder you can use in cooking.